Saturday, November 28, 2015

Cathranthus Plant, The Abandoned Flower Plant

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The abandoned plant…seriously? Yeah, that’s the truth. Even if these plants have a beautiful flowers and colors, but in another world no one care about this plant. Wow…sounds pity and terrible. Yeah, I feel pity too. How it happened, and why? I am not sure how to answer this question, but I can give you one word, ‘cause some people thought, they are just usual plant and nothing.

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Long time ago, when I was a kid, I loved to ride a bike any where I wanted to go. A lot of trees beside the street, yeah it was a big tree. Beside the trees, a lot of wild flowers and plants around the tree. And yeah, one of the wild flower plant was Catharanthus Plant. Oh, really? yes it is! I saw white and pink Catharanthus flower. Yeah two colors but it was look nice view at the time. ‘Cause butterfly loves them so much, flies around the flower. And one of my hobbies was chasing butterflies..haha Open-mouthed smile Wow…it was  long time ago, and I missed it..

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Catharanthus flower plant was wild plant around the street in my village long time ago. No one cared and grew this plant, but they were always grew with their seeds. They grew anywhere their wanted. Sometimes grew on the street, or sometimes just grew on villager yards. When they grew, we couldn’t to control them. If we cut one plant, then tomorrow another baby Catharanthus showed up, again, and again. Yes, it’s Catharanthus Plant guys…!

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Many people in my village hated this plant. Why? They thought it was  terrible plant and nothing. Even if my father, yeah, my father didn’t like this flower too. I asked my father “Dad why you doesn’t like this flower, it is nice flower I like that..” My father said “ you know young lady…we can not control this plant, when they are growing on our yards, then we can stop them to produce seed. So they grow and grow everywhere..” Oh I understood.

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After many year ago.. I live in Singapore, then I saw this flower plant in nursery or shop plant. I saw the price is much more expensive than I thought. One pot Catharanthus plant is about SGD 6. Wow, the abandoned flower plant in my village, and now they change my mind. Sometimes we do not know about something, when we think some thing does not do good, in another place it’s a good thing. Since that time, I have tried to grow this plant. I wonder, how beautiful they are…

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Two years ago, I bought this plant. But they died, and died. Oh, I thought it was easy to grow, but they didn’t here (in Singapore). Yeah, I realized, no yards, no garden, it sounds difficult to grow some plant. I must try, and try…well who knows, now I have some Catharanthus plant. I grew them by seeds that I bought few months ago. I left some of my Catharanthus plant when we moved in another house. I am happy with this result.

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Well..this plant is so colorful, many colors they have. And my life would be happy and colorful Smile It’s amazing, and beautiful life. Even if it was a abandon plant in my village, but I promise, I always keep this plant on my mini garden. Yeah, just enough space that I can grow some flower and plant on my flat. I love this time, growing the seeds, and wait them all grow, and see, how beautiful its flowers Winking smile Happy gardening!

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Note :

  • Written by Acik Mdy / Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Acik Mdy / Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permissions
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permissions

Saturday, November 21, 2015

When My Ancestors Tells Me About Nature

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Do you like flower and plant? What kind of flower you like, what kind of plant you like? I believe you are such a kind people who loves nature. Yeah, I love flowers and plants so much! Who told me about flower and plant? It’s my ancestor guys… Can’t you believe that, sometimes our ancestor told us about nature for many years ago.

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I love grow flower and plant by seeds. Sometimes I grow my plant or flower by stems. Yeah, I bought my seeds, and you know, sometimes my kind neighbor gave me some stems of plant. And… one of my lovely friends sent me many seeds. Thanks my friend Smile I love to grow some roots that maybe can make my life so beautiful. Why? ‘Cause I am very happy when I look my flower and plant. That’s very interesting things on my life.

You know, long time ago when I was kid, everyday I visited my grandma. Me and my brother were riding a bike every single evening to see our grandma that lived alone in her home. I helped her to cut some stems of Jasmine flower branch that had buds and ready to bloom. Yeah, my grandma loved Jasmine flower, and she grew Jasmine plant in her yards. She asked to put Jasmine flower stems into a glass that filled a little a bit water. My grandma never said anything. And I just did what she said.


One day, my grandma said, “someday when I am gone, do what I do. Take some stems of Jasmine flower into glass, let them bloom. It’s for your ancestor, to honor your ancestors”. At the time, I didn’t know what my grandma means is. Maybe I was to young to know about that. But I always remember what my grandma said, “Jasmine flower to honor our ancestors”.

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Many years, after my grandma passed away, I realized about something, “Jasmine flower to honor my  ancestors”. I am trying to grow Jasmine flower plant. I bought it two years ago. When I see my Jasmine plant, I can see my grandma there. When my Jasmine blooms, I can feel my grandma smell it and smile there. Wow! Maybe it sounds crazy, but I know what my grandma meant… She was trying to teach me about nature. Just small thing, grow Jasmine flower plant.

It’s just Jasmine flower plant. But, it’s sounds important  for my life. How could I loves Jasmine flower if my grandma didn’t said anything. It is not about to honor our ancestors, it’s about to love nature too. Our ancestors loves nature, they are trying to tell us how beautiful your life with nature around you, flower, plant, and trees…


You know what? Maybe you won’t to believe this. This Jasmine flower is very expensive in the city where my friend resides, Jambi-Indonesia. One of my friend told me, the price is about Rp. 180.000; or SGD 17-SGD 18 , WHAT?! I was shocked! Why Jasmine flower plant is so expensive there. I bought two years ago in Singapore, just about SGD 6. You want to know? It is because of many people doesn’t care about nature again. When the people doesn’t care about nature, they don’t care about flower and plant around them again. No one grow Jasmine flower in their yards. So, the price is raising now…

Long time ago, my father grew some Jasmine flowers in his yards. Some of our neighbor grown too. At the time, it’s easy to find Jasmine flower plant. A lot of people grown them. But now it’s not easy to see Jasmine flower plant there. No one care about this plant! So, maybe when we want to grow Jasmine flower plant now, buy from the shop plant, you will be shocked, ‘cause the price of Jasmine flower plant is expensive. I can’t believe this thing…!


Now, I can see how beautiful my Jasmine plant. Even if I don’t have yards, but my Jasmine plant is there, in my mini garden. It’s growing well and blooms many times. I can smell it, very nice to smell it! I am happy, and I believe my grandma is happy too… of course our ancestors would feel happy Smile

Note :

  • Written by Acik Mdy / Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Acik Mdy / Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permissions
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permissions

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Let It Grow

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Flower and plant, do you grow them?? I believe you are a kind human who care about nature. ‘Cause without good environment, good nature, we are nothing in this world. Human is one a part of nature, am I correct??… So, just let them grow, take care of them, and they will keep safe your home, yeah your home “world”.


In early September this year, one of my friends who live in Indonesia, Jambi Province, sent me a message. She said the haze has covered her home. 12 PM, the sun won’t show up as usual. She has begun to worry about it, and her kids. Yeah, her kids just begin getting a cough. Yesterday she said, 1 PM looks like 6 AM, 4 PM looks like 7 PM in the night. The severe haze around there has been covering her region for almost 2 months.


Haze, yeah the haze is covering Singapore now. Singapore is affected by severe haze from forest fires from Indonesia. Sumatera Island, and Kalimantan Island, these are the two of Indonesia Provinces in which forest fires happened. Every year, again, and again when hot season comes. Every two years, forest fires will always be a big case. I live in Singapore, and I am suffering from this haze when the haze hit in unhealthy air level. So, how about the people who live in the two Indonesia regions that the haze has begun..?? Can you imagine it? They suffer more than us.

I don’t want to talk about the haze, or about forest fires and who burn the forest. As Indonesian, we know who burn the forest. Yeah, they just care about their money. They never thought about how many people will suffer from this haze. They never care how many students can’t go to school because of the haze. Who cares? Government (Indonesian Government)?? I am not sure about it…

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My father just an ordinary villager. He never knew about environment theory, global warming, or anything else about theory in the class. But, he taught me how we care about nature and the environment around us. He grew many trees and planted many flowers in his land. He acted like he knew about global warming. He did what he believed. Just let it grow, yeah let the tree grow around his house, and let the flower bloom around his yards.

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What was my father believing in?? As I said before “the tree will keep safe of your house and the flower will make a beautiful life”. It’s a simple word but maybe can make a better world. When the dry season comes, we had enough water even if in the end we have to take water from another place. Our water was not gone quickly ‘cause the tree keeps water in their roots. When the storm comes, our home saved by the trees that grew around our yards. And you can imagine it, many butterflies and dragonflies around. Yeah, these insects were very happy in my father’s garden. Even birds made their nests in our garden. At another time, bats came into our garden to eat. At the time, I saw owls too…how beautiful life like this…

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Just, let it grow…by small seeds they will grow and keep our environment. Nature will save by them, another life will come and grow. Lastly, they will save our home too. Talk less do more, I do! Even if I don’t have any yard, I was trying to grow some plant and flower. I was trying to create my own garden. Planted small seeds and take care of small plants. And let it grow…!


I remember, a few days ago, one of my Japanese friends spoke about some kind of forest project. 100 years later, the land will become a forest and home for animals. To build forests will need many years…but to destroy a forest you just need a day. When you destroy the forest, burning it, chopping it, all of the animal habitats will go, and many lives will suffer by it. That means you destroy your future too..when all of the trees gone..what can you do?? NOTHING! What will you choose?? What kind of people are you??..

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Let’s start by now to love nature. If you have started early, just figure out. We can start from around us. Grow some seeds, flower, and plant, even if the tree, maybe a fruit tree or some useful tree-like bay leaf plant. let it grow and you will see. Don’t worry how many times you failed to grow them, but in the end, you know how important them for our life, for our future, our world.

Note :

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • The second picture (haze around Jambi Province), photographed by Luluk Lasmini
  • Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permissions
  • Do not reuse these photographs any other else without permissions

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Balsam, Strong Plant On The Worst Weather


In my hometown, Indonesia, Balsam is often called as “Kembang Pacar Air”. This is one of my favorite plant at all times. Many people grow them on their yards. Since this plant so easy to grow, and…they don’t need any special treat. It’s easy to take Balsam flower. And yeah, they are tough plant guys.. and one special thing about it is they produces their own seeds.

I grew some flowers this year, but I failed for many times. Sunflower, Globe Amaranthus, Marigold, Sweet William, Saga plant, Capsicum, Chili, and many other… I failed to grow all of them. I don’t know why… I think it because of the weather changes. I must learn and learn… find a good timing and the best way to grow these plants.

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Seriously… I am very happy, ‘cause my Balsam have been growing well… Not well (very healthy), but it’s enough to make me smile. They blooms and blooms…even if I just have one color (pink color), but the other day I  grew some colors (now I am waiting them to  bloom). Do you know something?? I  grew many Balsam. So I gave it to my neighbor. I am happy and my neighbor happy too… Wonderful life…


Speaking of which, Balsam is one of tough plant guys… Do you believe it??… It’s hot season in Singapore guys… an early year until now, Singapore is very hot! 30 degrees (more..)  in the afternoon and 30 degrees on night. Can you imagine that, how  could my plants survived from this weather??.. One of strong plant from my garden is Balsam plant.


  • First, when you will grow Balsam plant, don’t think too much about the soil. They can grow even if bad soil. But, when they grow up, put some fertilizer and they will be ok.
  • Spread them. For me, one pot for two/ three Balsam plants. When they are growing up, big and bigger, place them in the bigger pot.
  • They are strong plant, even if in the hot weather. Watering Balsam plant twice/ three times a day in hot season. They need to drink much more water in hot weather
  • If the weather changes, rainy day..rainy day everyday, don’t worry, your Balsam will be ok. Don’t watering them in rainy season.
  • Place stalk for Balsam plant, so they will be stronger even if it's hard rain, or windy…


Even if they are tough on bad weather, sometimes they can’t  fight any insects, like rotten mealybugs. My Balsam attacked by mealybugs sometimes. When mealybugs appears, I can’t do more for my beauty plant. Just save some of their seeds, pull off the plant infected by mealybugs, and grow them again by seeds. Simple and easy. ‘Cause…until now, my big enemy in the garden is mealybugs!


So do you want to grow this plant, huh…Don’t worry and don’t think too much. Balsam plant, or Impatient Balsamina, is one of tough plant in the bad season (hot season and rainy season). They will be fine in any conditions. Happy gardening…

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Note :

  • Photographed by Acik Mdy / Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Written by Acik Mdy / Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permissions
  • Do not reuse these photographs any other else without permissions

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Kampoeng Spirit From My Garden



I always say, my garden is not really garden. It just small space that enough to grow some of plants and flowers. Actually, I don’t have a garden even yards! But…I love gardening. So I created my own garden! I planted some flowers and vegetables with seeds. I failed many times, but I tried and tried again. And now, some plants have been growing in there. And I called it “Kampoeng spirit” Smile



What is kampoeng exactly??… Does any of you know about “kampoeng”?? Kampoeng is another word of the village, guys… And most of the villagers called their village “kampoeng”. Most of the villagers work as a farmer. And they have been growing many plants in their home. Such as vegetables, fruit trees, some of the flowers. You can imagine it?? If you are living in kampoeng, you don’t need to buy some fruit or vegetables. Besides, you don’t need to buy eggs or meat. ‘Cause, most of the villager is a breeder too.

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What are kind kampoeng plants?? I lived in kampoeng (small village). Such as most people who live in kampoeng, my father loves gardening too. He planted many of fruit trees and vegetables, like mango, pineapple, lemon, rambutan, guava, star fruit, jack fruit, banana, papaya, chilli, spinach, kangkong, ginger, lemongrass, galangal, tomato, sweet potato, and many other. He loves to plant flowers too Smile Yeah my father is a flower man Open-mouthed smile Many flowers he grew, like bougainvillea, gardenia, orchid, aloe vera, euphorbia, jasmine, rose, wooden flame, and many others, guys…! there are just some of kampoeng plants.


After moved into the new place six months ago, I decided to create my own garden. Yeah, I grew some plants in my back yards. Many flowers I grew, but many times I failed. Especially…Japanese flower seeds that my friend gave it to me. Oh man…it so difficult to grow them in here Crying face But I am trying, and trying to grow them.


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Besides, I’ve been planting some of kampoeng plants, like yellow ginger, zingiber officinale (we called it jahe), sand ginger (we called it kencur), lemongrass, betel leaf.  And yeah…I have been growing kampoeng flowers! What is look like??… One of kampoeng flowers is Catharanthus, guys…Smile Yeah…Catharanthus is one of kampoeng flowers. In my hometown, we called it “Tapak Dara”. It’s the most popular flowers in my kampoeng / village at the time. Other kampoeng flowers that I’ve been growing are Four O’clock flower, Coleus, Jasmine, Aloe vera, Portulaca, Impatient Balsamina. There are some of kampoeng plants from my garden Winking smileSmile

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And now, I am trying to grow some of the vegetables, like silk gourd, chili, capsicum, and tomato. Actually, I got spinach and kangkong, but they’ve never grown! But… a few weeks ago, I grew celery and scallions, and…guess what??.. They grow, guys… I’m happy for this Open-mouthed smile Hope my chilli and capsicum will grow well…

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I think life is simple and happy when we love gardening. I don’t know why, but I feel is not only about a hobby, it’s about life. I like to grow plants by seeds. Every day I take care of it and look at how they grow. When they bloom, I am so happy. Do you want to know something special, guys??… When my garden grows up, my neighbors happy too. So we can make other people happy with gardening. Sometimes I trade plants with my neighbour. And my neighbours sometimes asks for my plant and flower. In another day my neighbour asked for my mint, my Balsamina. Another time, my other neighbor asked for a Catharanthus flower. It’s a happy life, right?? I feel that Smile By gardening we can share happiness with plants and flowers.


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This is my garden with kampoeng spirit, guys… how about you?? What’s your garden spirit?? Smile



Note :

  • Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permissions
  • Do not reuse these photographs any other else without permissions