Thursday, October 8, 2015

Let It Grow

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Flower and plant, do you grow them?? I believe you are a kind human who care about nature. ‘Cause without good environment, good nature, we are nothing in this world. Human is one a part of nature, am I correct??… So, just let them grow, take care of them, and they will keep safe your home, yeah your home “world”.


In early September this year, one of my friends who live in Indonesia, Jambi Province, sent me a message. She said the haze has covered her home. 12 PM, the sun won’t show up as usual. She has begun to worry about it, and her kids. Yeah, her kids just begin getting a cough. Yesterday she said, 1 PM looks like 6 AM, 4 PM looks like 7 PM in the night. The severe haze around there has been covering her region for almost 2 months.


Haze, yeah the haze is covering Singapore now. Singapore is affected by severe haze from forest fires from Indonesia. Sumatera Island, and Kalimantan Island, these are the two of Indonesia Provinces in which forest fires happened. Every year, again, and again when hot season comes. Every two years, forest fires will always be a big case. I live in Singapore, and I am suffering from this haze when the haze hit in unhealthy air level. So, how about the people who live in the two Indonesia regions that the haze has begun..?? Can you imagine it? They suffer more than us.

I don’t want to talk about the haze, or about forest fires and who burn the forest. As Indonesian, we know who burn the forest. Yeah, they just care about their money. They never thought about how many people will suffer from this haze. They never care how many students can’t go to school because of the haze. Who cares? Government (Indonesian Government)?? I am not sure about it…

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My father just an ordinary villager. He never knew about environment theory, global warming, or anything else about theory in the class. But, he taught me how we care about nature and the environment around us. He grew many trees and planted many flowers in his land. He acted like he knew about global warming. He did what he believed. Just let it grow, yeah let the tree grow around his house, and let the flower bloom around his yards.

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What was my father believing in?? As I said before “the tree will keep safe of your house and the flower will make a beautiful life”. It’s a simple word but maybe can make a better world. When the dry season comes, we had enough water even if in the end we have to take water from another place. Our water was not gone quickly ‘cause the tree keeps water in their roots. When the storm comes, our home saved by the trees that grew around our yards. And you can imagine it, many butterflies and dragonflies around. Yeah, these insects were very happy in my father’s garden. Even birds made their nests in our garden. At another time, bats came into our garden to eat. At the time, I saw owls too…how beautiful life like this…

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Just, let it grow…by small seeds they will grow and keep our environment. Nature will save by them, another life will come and grow. Lastly, they will save our home too. Talk less do more, I do! Even if I don’t have any yard, I was trying to grow some plant and flower. I was trying to create my own garden. Planted small seeds and take care of small plants. And let it grow…!


I remember, a few days ago, one of my Japanese friends spoke about some kind of forest project. 100 years later, the land will become a forest and home for animals. To build forests will need many years…but to destroy a forest you just need a day. When you destroy the forest, burning it, chopping it, all of the animal habitats will go, and many lives will suffer by it. That means you destroy your future too..when all of the trees gone..what can you do?? NOTHING! What will you choose?? What kind of people are you??..

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Let’s start by now to love nature. If you have started early, just figure out. We can start from around us. Grow some seeds, flower, and plant, even if the tree, maybe a fruit tree or some useful tree-like bay leaf plant. let it grow and you will see. Don’t worry how many times you failed to grow them, but in the end, you know how important them for our life, for our future, our world.

Note :

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • The second picture (haze around Jambi Province), photographed by Luluk Lasmini
  • Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permissions
  • Do not reuse these photographs any other else without permissions