Tuesday, March 10, 2020

A Beautiful Rain Lily From My "Garden"

Habranthus Robusta (Rain Lily) from my "garden" - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Gardening in an apartment? Why not? For me who loves flowers and plants, gardening is like my purpose in this life. Life? Yes, in my life. I would like to take some of my time to go gardening. I don't have a real garden, just enough space for my flower and plant. And in this article, I am going to share my experience when I grew Rain Lily in my "garden". Who's like Rain Lily? I am the one! These are my experiences on how to grow Habranthus Robusta or just called it Rain Lily.

Rain Lily - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti 

I bought the bulb about 2 months ago when we visited Garden By The Bay Singapore. Yes, we can buy such kind this souvenir there. Wow, sounds good, right? Of course, for someone who loves flowers, this is really amazing! Me for example, I always excited to buy this kind of souvenir. At the time I wanted to buy a Dahlia bulb, but I couldn't find it. So I decided to buy Rain Lily bulb. First, because I hadn't tried growing this flower, second, I believe this flower is cute and pretty! 😊

The bulb - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy

I paid $ 5 for 1 bulb of Rain Lily. Does it sound expensive for 1 bulb? Well, believe me, I haven't seen this kind of flowers sold in the plant shop. So, I think it worth it for me. And in Singapore, flowers and plants are expensive. For example, the price one pot of Portulaca flowers is about $ 5 - $ 6. Yes, I bought only one bulb. And I planted the bulb a few days later in a small pot. Why a small pot? Because this flower is small and it won't grow big and tall like a Dahlia flower. So, a small pot is enough for a Rain Lily bulb.

 A little bud - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Actually, there is no need for special maintenance. I just planted in a small pot with potting soil and water every day by sprinkling it. Other, I put it facing the sunlight. That's it! The Rain Lily needs sunlight, so it good to put them facing sunlight. And I am lucky, because January and February, the sun hits my corridor. Yes, every time I want to grow a flower or plant, the first thing that I have to know where the sunlight is going. That's important. 

My Rain Lily was facing the sunlight - Photographed by Acik Maedhiyanti 

I was surprised, last Saturday when we wanted to go shopping, I saw the Rain Lily flower was blooming. What? Because for the past 3 weeks I hadn't watered my flower and plants. Yes, I got minor surgery 3 weeks ago. At that time I need some rest for 2-3 weeks. The first thing I saw was a beautiful pink Rain Lily in my "garden". After more than 2 weeks took a rest, the Rain Lily was blooming. Well, today, the flower just fades out. Believe me, I am very happy at the time.

These are my experiences on how to grow Habranthus Robusta or Rain Lily. Easy, right? My Japanese friend said, in Japan Rain Lily blooms in autumn and the color is white. And in Singapore, I grew it in January when the sun hits my corridor. So yes, maybe some people will have different experiences on how to grow it. And I am glad to share my experiences with you guys. See you in another article, I haven't decided yet what flower I will plant in my "garden". 

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy
  • Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy
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