Monday, May 31, 2021

How to Get Rid Caterpillar Naturally


A big and fatty caterpillar on my Kaffir lime plant - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

I hate caterpillar! Because of them, my kaffir lime has almost no leaves! However, I do not like to use chemical pesticides to exterminate them. So, what should I do then? 

I have had this Kaffir lime plant for about 5 years. I do remember when I bought this plant at the flower shop nearby in the market, I was hopeful that I'll harvest green and beautiful lime someday. Therefore, I have always maintained it carefully and give it much more of my attention because it is tricky to grow lime in a pot. Moreover, growing fruit tree in the apartment is quite challenging. Unlike other plants in my "garden" that some of them don't need my full care, for instance, Betel leaves. Betel leaf is a stubborn plant. Without water for several days, they still survive. Why I need to get my eye on my lime? Simply because I want to see my kaffir lime has fruit so that I can pick it and enjoy the day. 

One of my neighbors in the old place told me that I needed to cut the stem in order to force the growth of a new stem and leaves. This method, it would stimulate the kaffir lime to flower and then bear fruit and keep controlling the high since I have planted it in a small pot. It was successful in 2019 and I was delighted with the result. Finally, it bloomed and I could see some tiny kaffir lime on it. However, we had been busy and went overseas many times that year. And because of this, my Kaffir lime failed to produce fruit that I had been waiting about 3 years!😢 Nowadays, I am trying to make it bloom again. But, the big issue is because a lot of young laves, it attracts butterfly to lay their egg on it. The next thing that happens that I see many caterpillars on my beautiful lime plant! 

I tried to fix my lime plant by cutting all the stems and leaves that had been attacked by this little pest. What I can say that my way to get rid of them was futile because butterflies love this spot and relentlessly build a family on my lime. Using a chemical product to fully kick them out is also not my wise choice since sometimes I use kaffir lime leaves as one of my ingredients in the kitchen. Moreover, the fruit itself, when the fruit blooms, I also want to use it further. I need to find a way to get rid of caterpillars from my lime plant, but how? The answer is naturally!

Last year I did not do any gardening activity because I avoided outside activity even though just in my corridor due to the coronavirus situation. We were in a bad situation when daily cases more than 1,000 new cases of locally transmitted COVID-19 infection. So, I just watered my plants and flowers without any care. I realized my lime had caterpillars on it because I often saw a butterfly laid down her eggs on my young lime leaves. I also saw many caterpillars poops on the floor in my "garden" spot. But, something strange happened that time, the caterpillars were gone! Where were they? I didn't have any close answer to relieve my curiosity.  I had no idea.🤷‍♀️🤔

I read that when Sunbirds raise their brood, they must find a caterpillar in order to give enough nutrition for the young. I have seen a couple Sunbirds visit my Hibiscus flower. I also saw them perching on kaffir lime plant. Based on my observation of the habit of Sunbird, my conclusion is they took the caterpillars. However, not long ago I discovered that something else, something that I have never imagined before, what was that? My husband and I saw another bird perched on my lime. The color was brown and had a distinctive crest on the head. We did not know what's the bird name. But somehow I felt familiar with the sound of this particular bird. I often heard this bird sound but had never seen their appearance. Just recently I saw it walking and jump from one pot to another then perched on my lime plant. It was the first time my eye caught it. After googling for some time, finally, we knew about this bird, the name is Yellow-vented Bulbul.

Yellow-vented Bulbul is one of the birds in Singapore that we can found around the environment, including in the residential area where the vegetation surrounding. I am lucky that we found this area to live in because surrounded by a green view. Furthermore, the national park is just in our area which means a few steps from our block. No wonder it is easy for us to spot various birds around, or they just visit my "garden" like Yellow-vented Bulbul. The simple answer why this bird often visits me is because I have food for them, caterpillars on my lime.🙂

Caterpillar is my enemy, but it has a natural predator. The natural predator for caterpillars is birds. So, do I need to wait until the bird comes and eats them? I think first of all we need to attract birds by growing flowers or plants; nectarine flowers and plants that produce seeds or some kind of berries. But it doesn't mean we can't grow another flower or plant. What I have believed is bird loves a greeny and vibrant place that a look-like their habitat; where they can find food or just hang around. Therefore, planting another plant is also needed in order to create a beautiful scene. It should our responsibility as humans to save this little creature to live in harmony with us, isn't it? That's what I had seen when I lived in my father's house a long time ago. It was the best moment in my life where I experienced something unusual, for example seeing three small owls in my father's garden. My father took me to the garden and brought a torch because we did not have electricity in the village. I was in grade 3 or 4 and I was thrilled! What I have learned from my father is the fact that nature is beautiful and it's our duty to keep them in balance by doing a small thing, for instance, do gardening even though in a small place. I do not have yards or a garden because I live in an apartment yet I grow flowers and plants. As a result, it attracts not only Sunbird but also Bulbul to come and visit my little "garden" to feed. In return, they exterminate my enemy: caterpillar. I am relieved, the bird satisfied. Everyone has the best day! Cheers!✌🤩

To make my lime blossoms is quite hard. However, I still can use the leaves as my cooking ingredient whenever I need them. Even though its leaves gone, hopefully, it will grow soon because I added chicken fertilizer to help my lime growth. Yes, I do like natural fertilizer like this one because I want to minimalize the use of chemical fertilizer since kaffir lime is one of my food ingredients.  

This is the way I get rid of the caterpillar on my lime plant by dragging down its predator. Planting diverse plants in my "garden" would create a look-like home for small birds. Of course, it needs distinctive plant and I have to learn what kind of flower that provide their foods to get particular birds attention. Though it is not easy and requires some effort, I still do like this job. Who's giving me the job? No one!😅😄 If I do not take a step they might be gone or extinct someday, both the plants and the bird. For this reason, I volunteer to preserve what I believe.😊🤗 

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse this photograph anywhere else without permission