Sunday, February 20, 2022

Growing Rose of Sharon from Seeds


My rose of Sharon (Hibiscus Syriacus) - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Really, in Singapore? As we all know that hot weather is our daily temperature and the sun hits soo bright!  Whereas this type of flower loves low temperature and somehow is not suit in our environment. However, I would like to try with the advantage maybe Sunbird will approve and love it. 

Ichi's Garden: small Hibiscus - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

I do not remember when the exact time bought Hibiscus Syriacus. When did weekly grocery shopping, I was captivated by the seeds called Hibiscus? On the cover, they did not say what kind of Hibiscus that was. Something on my mind was willing to grow these seeds as I have been working on Project Sunbird. If this plant could produce such kind of flower that Sunbirds love, then this would be a further step to finding another Sunbird diet besides the common Hibiscus flower, Pedilanthus Little Bird flower that I have grown in my "garden." 

The bud of my special Hibiscus - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

A few days after buying that particular Hibiscus seeds, I started putting some seeds on the regular pot with potting soil. I placed it on the ledge in our laundry room where the morning sun hits the space. Not long to wait, the seeds sprouted and I gave it sprinkles water daily. Day by day, my sprout had not grown much until I moved the pot outside (in my "garden"). Since then, they have been growing stronger and taller than before with healthy leaves. Only 8 survived and I separated them into 3 different pots and gave them organic fertilizer. About 30 cm tall or less than 50 cm, they have produced flowers! My guess is the last week of January 2022, was when my rose of Sharon was full-bloomed! Nowadays, only one pot is left because others plants in another pot had been attacked by mealybugs and I cut and thrown them away. Meanwhile, the only one survived, I trimmed them so they will prepare to bloom again, hopefully!🤞🙂

My special Hibiscus, small yet pretty!🥰 - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

How long I had been waiting until full bloom? To be honest I do not remember. Maybe 4 months because at first I got some obstacles where they won't grow and looked weak.  What I can say is that it is worth to try growing this pretty Hibiscus. my neighbors admire this type of Hibiscus as they are small yet pretty enough to make our day smile and feel great. Every morning I have seen small pollinators flying around this flower when it bloomed. And you know what? I am quite happy because I succeed to create nature and attract some birds and pollinators. Today, not only does Sunbird visit my "garden" but Yellow-vented Bulbul also comes daily. In a rare case, sometimes Dove suddenly appears on my plant and eats tiny snails that are abundant on my potting soil surface as I have always picked up yellow leaves and put them on my potting soil surface. So, these tiny snails decompose the leaves to give nutrients to my plants, then the bird eats the tiny snails. In a specific event like a thunderstorm, many worms come out from the soil and somehow they just disappear; my guess might be the Bulbul bird eats them. For me, lots of worms grow in the potting soil which means these creatures help my plants to grow healthy. Sometimes my neighbor mentions that my plants look pretty and healthy despite the fact they grow in small pots. How?🌞✌

My pretty Hibiscus - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Although this kind of Hibiscus is typically hard to grow in our environment yet I managed to keep them in my best what can I do and bloomed 3 weeks ago. Maybe the last pot of rose of Sharon won't survive, however, I am satisfied with the result that I have working on it. Unfortunately, Sunbird did not approve of this Hibiscus as one of their diets. But, it doesn't matter since some of my Hibiscus plants have started to bloom so they still feel happy by visiting my "garden" daily to suck the Hibiscus flowers nectar!

My small Hibiscus bloomed about 3 weeks ago - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Growing Hibiscus Syriacus in a small space like the apartment? Why not! Maybe the result is not so great like we grow them in the ground. However, at least by doing this activity, we can create a habitat for some creatures one example birds, in a bustling city. We, humans, have taken soo much from nature, and now it is time for us to give back to mother nature, coexist side by side with nature.🌞🤗

Read my new article on Ichi's Fusion Recipes, link is here

Thank you for reading my article, see ya!🖐🌞


  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission