Friday, February 20, 2015

“Thank You Gardener”


I wrote how Japanese children learn about nature and environment before. Yeah there were few articles. It was when Japanese children learn about nature and environment at Kamisakabe West Park, Hyogo-Japan, a few months ago. That was such a inspiring activities. They were so excited and so happy. And these children sent some a letters to the gardener at Kamisakabe West Park. They said, “Thank you..”. Smile

As you know, my friend is a volunteer in the botanical garden, named Kamisakabe West Park. She is one of gardener in there. My friend has shared many activities in her botanical garden. And I am so glad for it, Ryo-san…arigatōzaimashita..! Many thanks to my friend who shared how Japanese children learn about nature and environment. I hope many children in the world loves to learn about their home, “earth”.


Yeah I wrote it before. there were some children activities from elementary schools. They learn about nature in the botanical garden. They learn about fruit seeds, some of wooden seeds, smelled Judas leaf tree, made a toy from acorn, and yeah…they had fun in the nature, like climb the tree, played stilt, and played instrumental music made by bamboo. 


When my friend told me and sent me some a pictures about it, I know, yeah these children were happy and so excited to learn. And they appreciated it by letters. Letters?? Yeah, these children who came in the botanical garden few months ago, sent their letters to gardener and said “thank you”. That day it was rainy day, but these children studied wellSmile So these are their letters…

“While in rainy day, thank you very much told me many things. I surprised to know Cherry tree blooms in autumn on the first winter……I had a great time”

“I was happy, ‘cause ……..I was happy because I knew many kind of flowers again. unbelievable, it is spring, Cherry tree blooms. I knew wooden winter buds for the first time. Thank you very much for introducing me to flowers in the rainy day today. it’s study”

“Thank you very much told me many things today. I learned winter buds and scar leaf for the first time. I think I’ll search in another park too. I felt surprised, Cherry tree blooms in winter. But I thought it was hard to bloom and prepared for the spring. Even rain, Thank you very much”.


There are some of letters from children who learn about nature and environment at Kamisakabe West Park, Hyogo-Japan. When you read their letters, you know about something, they were enjoyed their journey and studied well in nature. Even it was rainy day, but they were excited to learn. And the gardener replied their lettersSmile

Note :

  • Photographed by Ryo Rakusui
  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy
  • Do not copy this article without permissions
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permissions


  1. Hi Acik!

    I'm thankful for your nice article!
    And thank you for being glad about my sharing.
    Arigato and Douitashimashite (^_^)
    I think children visit a botanical garden for learning in spring when it becomes warmer.
    When children have an interest in a plant and the environment and make it important, I'm happy.

    See ya (^_^)ノ

    1. Kon'nichiwa Ryo-san....
      Anata wa kyou genki desuka??...Hope you are fine.

      I love to write such a inspiring activities:-) really?? On spring these children will come and learn again in the botanical garden. That's great! I believe they will grow up as strong and nice people who loves nature and environment.

      Take care....
