Thursday, September 22, 2016

Cerita Singapura dan Indonesia di Jepang, Dalam Bingkai Bunga Melati



Singapura dan Indonesia, secara geografis dua negara ini bersebelahan/ bertetanggaan. Bisa dikatakan iklimpun sama, yaitu beriklim tropis. Maka tidaklah heran bila kita dapat menjumpai tumbuhan ataupun tanaman yang sama dikedua negera tersebut. Salah satunya adalah tanaman bunga Melati. Bunga Melati yang saya yakin kawan sekalian sudah mengenalnya.

Banyak tanaman berbunga yang kita kenal, di Singapura tumbuh, di Indonesia juga tumbuh. Sama-sama memiliki kekayaan flora yang hampir semua sama. Contohnya seperti Catharanthus flower, di Singapura kita bisa menjumpai dengan mudah di koridor-koridor yang biasa ditanam oleh warga. Sayapun tak tangung-tanggung memiliki beberapa Catharanthus flower. Sementara di Indonesia, orang mengenalnya dengan nama Bunga Tapak Dara. Selain Bunga Tapak Dara (Catharanthus Flower), tentu masih ada banyak sekali tanaman berbunga lainnya, yang sama-sama merupakan kekayaan flora dikedua negara ini, baik di Singapura maupun di Indonesia.


Saya sangat menyukai tanaman berbunga. Mungkin orang bilang ini sebuah hobi. Dulu-dulu memang hobi, sedari kecil sudah suka mengumpulkan beragam tanaman berbunga, yang kemudian ditanam dan dikumpulkan dihalaman rumah ayah saya. Tapi untuk saat ini, bercocok tanam, terutama tanaman berbunga, bukan lagi sebuah hobi melainkan sudah menjadi bagian kehidupan, bisa dibilang merupakan gaya hidup. Menanam tanaman berbunga, terutama bila ditanam sedari biji, kemudian dirawat hingga berbunga, akan menimbulkan rasa kepuasan tersendiri untuk saya pribadi. Tak kalah penting adalah sebuah pengalaman berharga yang bisa didapat dari menanam tanaman berbunga ini. Karena tidak semudah yang dibayangkan bisa menumbuhkan tanaman berbunga, butuh usaha keras. Pengalaman-pengalaman itulah yang saya cari, agar bisa menambah wawasan serta pengetahuan tentang tanaman-tanaman berbunga dengan cara praktek langsung. Kalau begitu tentu kita akan mendapat manfaat ganda, menambah wawasan/ pengetahuan, menambah pengalaman dalam berkebun, serta menambah cantik rumah tentunya. Rumah mana yang tak cantik bila dikelilingi bunga-bunga…

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Belum lama ini seorang teman yang berasal dari Jepang mengirimi beberapa video pendek kepada penulis. Ya, teman itu adalah seorang Volunteer disebuah botanical garden, Kamisakabe West Park, Japan. Video pendek tersebut direkam saat acara malam festival di botanical garden tersebut, dimana dalam acara festival tersebut diperkenalkan beragam tanam berbunga, salah satunya adalah bunga Melati (Jasmine Flower). Dimana bunga Melati merupakan tanaman berbunga yang jarang ditemui di Jepang.

Saya (penulis), sangat berterimakasih pada teman itu. Karena telah mengenalkan bunga Melati sebagai salah satu bunga yang biasa dijumpai di Singapura, juga ditemui di Indonesia. Di Singapura, bunga Melati memang spesial untuk para wanita keturunan etnis India. Mereka menggunakan untaian melati dirambutnya. Artinya sudah menjadi kebiasaan sehari-hari. Indah bukan??… Bagi saya, bunga Melati juga spesial, mengapa? Karena saya bisa mengirimkan keharuman bunga Melati untuk para leluhur kami, yaitu dalam rangkain bunga yang sederhana (dengan catatan bunga Melati dirumah memang sedang banyak-banyaknya). Begitulah tradisi yang diajarkan oleh nenek saya dulu, yang saya yakin banyak diantara anggota keluarga sudah tidak mengetahui/ melupakan begitu saja, atau bahkan tidak tahu sama sekali. Sementara di Indonesia, disana bunga Melati disebut sebagai bunga nasional. Selain itu, bunga Melati di Indonesia juga dipakai sebagai karangan bunga/ untaian  untuk kematian. Dan saya percaya, tentu masih banyak kegunaan lainnya selain yang telah saya sebutkan diatas, misalnya untuk dekorasi acara pernikahan, atau digunakan sebagai bentuk penghormatan pada tamu.

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Dari sedikit cerita diatas kita dapat memahami, bunga Melati merupakan salah satu bunga yang memiliki keberadaan penting dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, baik pada masyarakat Singapura maupun masyarakat Indonesia. Maka tidaklah heran bila banyak dijual tanaman bunga Melati ditoko-toko bunga/ tanaman di pasar Singapura. Harganya untuk saat ini saya tidak tahu, tapi waktu saya membeli sepot tanaman bunga Melati sekitar 3 tahun lalu/ lebih, harga berkisar S$6. Sementara satu bungkus kecil bunga Melati yang masih kuncup harganya dipasar sekitar S$1. Di Indonesia, menurut penuturan seorang teman, harga berkisar Rp. 180.000; satu potnya (bunga Melati dengan double petal). Dan yang miris untuk didengar, di Indonesia tanaman bunga Melati sudah jarang dijumpai dihalaman rumah, artinya sudah menjadi tanaman langka.


Dari sebuah hobi, kemudian menjadi bagian dari kehidupan, ternyata mampu memberikan manfaat lebih/ nilai lebih. Dari kebiasaan hidup merawat tanaman, menanam bunga-bunga, saya bisa sedikit berbagi cerita (sharing) dengan kawan yang berada di Jepang, untuk kemudian dibagikan ceritanya pada para pengunjung festival di botanical garden setempat. Maka dari sanalah tercipta sebuah rangkain cerita tentang Singapura dan Indonesia dalam bingkai bunga Melati. Ya, ternyata kita bisa memperkenalkan budaya maupun tradisi melalui tanaman berbunga, salah satunya adalah bunga Melati. Tunggu apalagi, mari berkebun, tidak ada ruginya menanam tanaman berbunga. Karena selain indah, bisa jadi bahan cerita untuk mengenalkan sebuah negara dimana kita tinggal Smile


  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy – Penulis Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy
  • Do not copy this article without permissions – Dilarang untuk meng-copy paste tulisan/ artikel ini tanpa seijin penulis
  • Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy
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Saturday, July 30, 2016

Jasmine Flower in People’s Lives


Jasmine flower, I believe many of you knows this flower. Especially for someone who lives in the tropic country. This is one of the fragrant flowers. It has very good scent, and commonly we can find them in white. Sometimes we can see its shape like a star, or it could be double petal. And I have one of them, it is double petal flower that I have had around for four years. That is one of my favorite flower in my “garden”.

In my “garden”, Jasmine flower is not the only one of the fragrant plants. Water Jasmine produces a good smell too when they bloom. I think I’ve been having Water Jasmine plant about 2 years. Both of them are lovely, and interesting plants. Jasmine flower and Water Jasmine, they have the same color, white flower. For the size, Water Jasmine’s is smaller than Jasmine flower. Each of them have different way to take care of.

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In Indonesia, Jasmine flower is national flower. When I was kid, I saw many people in my village planted Jasmine flower plant at their yards. But today, it is hard to find Jasmine flower plant at yards. And I shocked when my Indonesian friend told me how expensive Jasmine flower plant in her place. Even if it’s hard to find this plant, but Jasmine flower has an important role for Indonesians, especially for Javanese. They use Jasmine flower for wedding decoration. The bride and the groom would be wearing Jasmine flower garland. Some people use Jasmine flower garland for celebrate special occasions, and many of them using Jasmine flower for decorate the room, it could be party room, at the house. And you have to know, Jasmine flower used for funeral too. For me, Jasmine flower is important flower in my life too. Because, it is one of the ways that I give honor to my ancestors, with simple arrangement. So, I would always love to say, Jasmine flower is the scent from the heaven.


Now, let’s talk about Jasmine flower in Singapore. In Singapore, it seems easy to find Jasmine flower plant. Because many people in Singapore planting this plant and place them in corridor. Yes, we don’t have a yards, but we can grow Jasmine plant in a pot. We also could find this plant at the market. 1 pack of Jasmine flower buds sold SGD 1 in the market. When I bought my potting Jasmine plant, it was about SGD 6. I don’t know how much its price today. Flowers have an important role too for Singaporeans. And one of them is Jasmine flower. In Singapore, Indian descendant women would decorate their hair with Jasmine flower garland. It’s looks nice and beautiful.

For some reasons, Jasmine flower is important among people’s lives. It could be cultural or tradition reasons, the jasmine flower is for such a meaningful part for people’s life. Jasmine flower garland used for wedding, to honor guests, decorate hair, or it could be used up for funeral and to honor ancestors. Of course, we can drink jasmine tea, and I love it! Many products of tea using jasmine flower to create flavor. I think there are many benefits that we get from Jasmine flower.


  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy
  • Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy
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Saturday, April 9, 2016

Fun Learning With Nature At Kamisakabe West Park, Japan


In December 2015, my friend shared with me about children activity in the Botanical Garden. This activity located at Kamisakabe West Park, Hyogo-Japan where she is a volunteer there. These kids learnt and had fun during activity. I can see and feel their happiness. It was a good idea and such a good thing to teach young generation in nature.


This kids are come from Hama elementary school. They are in the third grade at their school. They came to learn about environment in the Botanical Garden, the name is Kamisakabe West Park. Well, even if they are just third grade, but I think it is a good idea to introduce nature in early age. Because at the end, they will grow up such as kindness people who care about nature and environment around them.


Speaking of which, if many people around the world talking about global warning, and how to prevent it. So, this children activity is the same thing that many people are worrying about. So, maybe you will ask me, “how come this children activity relates to global warning?”. Who will protect our nature in the next years later? Yes, the children will. They will protect our nature in the future years. Year by year, if we can teach them about nature, and tell them how important it is to our lives, then the kids will understand how to treat nature.



Learn about nature is easy thing. You can see it in these pictures, the kids had fun to know about plants around them. Yes, my friend told me, the kids were learnt about leaves. Leaf? What are we getting? Autumn leaves were beautiful. The leaf of autumn would become red color. By this way, the kids will be know, that how beautiful nature in autumn season.


What were they doing at Kamisakabe West Park? They did many activities at Botanical garden. They played quiz, about the birds that eat Camphor fruit. Then they picked up acorns. Yes, the kids could make some kind of toy by these seeds (acorns), and play with it. Another activity, the children collected leaves fell on the ground. My friend said, it was America Spinosa leaves that children collected. The last thing, the children played at park, free played. It sounds fun! Learn about nature would be fun and very interesting Smile



Nature is beautiful. Plants and flowers make our lives are beautiful. The tree ( or it could be fruits trees) is useful for us. All that nature created useful. By doing all of these activities, the children will see and understand that nature is so beautiful and useful. And they can do something fun in nature. And one more thing, visiting garden is the best way for the kids to get closer with nature.



The last thing, maybe many people will think that learn about nature is boring and nothing. But, if you see these children’s activities who came at Kamisakabe West Park, you will say, “learn about nature is more fun” Open-mouthed smile They were excited to come at Botanical garden. So, how about you, did you learn about nature yet?


  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy
  • Photographed by Ryo Rakusui
  • Do not copy this article without permissions
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission  Ryo Rakusui

Saturday, March 26, 2016

How To Get Water Jasmine Plant Flowering


Water Jasmine plant, how one does not know this flower plant. It’s such a lovely flower and attractive plant at the garden with tiny leaves and strong branches. They can make fragrance out of your garden, or you call it “fragrance garden”. Because, tiny white flowers have a good scent that you will love it. Besides, Water Jasmine plant is one of the most popular bonsai. You can create your own bonsai by yourself. That is interesting thing!

If you smell Water Jasmine flowers, the scent is fantastic. Such as Rose flower in your garden, or any other fragrance flower around your garden. Rose flower has a good fragrance and beautiful flower. They have many colours, and many varieties. I think all of people know about that. And so is Water Jasmine flower plant, I believe some of you know this plant too. Even if they do not have any other colour, but it is interesting plant.

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Why are we planting plants and flowers in our garden? If you ask me, I give your this answer, “I love flower and plant”. That’s it? Yes it is!. That’s my answer for your question. But, you must understand, it has important impact to our life. We love flowers and plants, then we grow them all. So, what are you getting by this activity? Well, your home look green and peaceful. It means, there are many such good things around. What is that? It could be ants, butterflies, dragonflies, caterpillar, worms, grasshopper, spider, or even birds. That’s interesting things that would be happen in you life. When you planting plants or flowers, it means you are creating a circle of other life there.

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Water Jasmine flower plant is a unique plant. If you grow them on the ground, it doesn’t need special maintenance. ‘Cause the flowers will bloom when the time comes. But, when you grow them in a pot, then they need special maintenance. Especially if you want the flower come out. What should we do? These are my neighbour advices! First, they need more water. Give them water every day. In Singapore, the climate is hot so it needs twice a day or three times a day watering. They consume water much. Secondly, this is important, pluck their leaves. When you see your Water Jasmine plant full in leaves, then you have to pluck their leaves. What is it for? My neighbour said, it is to stimulate flowering. Third, cut the branch. Don’t let them have a long branches. Fourth, Water Jasmine plant loves sunshine. Place them on the right place that they catch up the sunshine. Fifth, give your Water Jasmine plant organic fertilizer, such as chicken fertilizer. For me, chicken fertilizer is the best one for my plants and flowers.

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I have been growing Water Jasmine plant for 15 months. My neighbour gave me some branches of them, 4 branches. Two of them have been growing until now. I think it easy to take care Water Jasmine plant. But it would be difficult to get them flowering. I have tried to get my Water Jasmine plant flowering. It isn’t always success. But now, my Water Jasmine plant are blooming. That is really beautiful time.


Well, if you are growing Water Jasmine plant in a pot, you have to try hard to take care of them. It’s easy, but it would be difficult sometimes. We must try hard to make them flowering. In the end, it will worth it. Your garden become a attractive garden with fragrance flower there.

Note :

  • Written by Acik Mdy / Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Acik Mdy / Acik Mardhiyanti
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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

How To Get Jasmine Flower Bloom All Year

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Jasmine flower is one of my favorite flowers in my garden. It has a good scent and a beautiful flower. I think many people will like this flower. My Jasmine plant looks bigger than common and has double petals there. It is a unique and attractive plant in my garden.

My Jasmine plant has been growing in a pot. It needs extra maintenance to make blooms all year. As another plant around the world, they need special maintenance. Because, one to plant has a different character, or it could be the environment. We have to learn about them, then we can take care of them well in our garden.

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It isn’t easy to learn how to get Jasmine flower blooms all year. I know, it will take some time. But believe me, it’s a new technique and knowledge to us. Isn’t it great? Yes, it is! We must learn the Jasmine plant if we want to grow it. Learning by doing, do it then you become a good gardener.

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The first step, we have to trim the Jasmine plant’s branch. After the flowers bloom, cut their few branches and left few centimeters. Secondly, give Jasmine plant organic fertilizer. I used to give chicken fertilizer to its soil. Should we report and give some new soil? It depends. Jasmine plants have a tolerance to hard soil. But we must give them fertilizer. So, they will grow well. Third, Faced it into the morning sunshine every day. The last, pour water every day. I live in Singapore, I pour water into my Jasmine flower plant twice a day.

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It sounds fun, isn’t it? Gardening is a fun activity to release our stress from daily activity. Or you can call it some kind of an experience. Let’s say we are a researcher who is doing research about the Jasmine flower plant. As a researcher, if it fails, then try again to get them blooms all year. I think gardening is a great experience.

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Well, what do you say? The Jasmine flower plant is one of the attractive plants in the garden. I know it isn’t easy to make it blooms all year. But, when you make it, you can enjoy the fragrance and beauty of the Jasmine flower plant throughout the year. Happy gardening for all of you!


  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti 
  • Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti 
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