Monday, March 29, 2021

"Spring" & "Autumn" in Singapore


Yellow Flame in our block car park - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Are you kidding me, spring and autumn in Singapore? Indeed, living in Singapore we only experience a hot day, sweaty a lot, and only have sort of rainy day. To feel spring and autumn, it virtually impossible. However,  we can see "spring" and "autumn" around our neighborhood when the time comes every year.😊

White Trumpet Tree - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

a Male Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot; took this picture and videos from our laundry room - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti and RDZ

For quite some time, we realized our environment around us, observe it, we found something amazing and wonderful that we hadn't imagined before. What is it? Feeling like spring and autumn but still on a hot day, humid, and lots of sweaty. It sounds weird, but when we see the trees around us bloom, some others change their leaves color turn into vivid red and yellow, many beautiful birds fly around, suddenly we can smile and feel peace in our heart. Maybe because I love nature, however, I think lots of people here feel the same. Moreover, we are very, very happy!

"Autumn" in Singapore - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Capturing the moon from our laundry room - Photographed by RDZ

I think the Rain Tree bloomed in early March when I saw many sunbirds flew around that trees in our car park in our residential. The flower color is pink-white that could cover all its big umbrella-shaped crown. This tree is beautiful in my eyes because every time I see it, I just like saw a painting. In the morning, Sunbirds had a big party at this tree, while others stopped by in my "garden" to take nectar in my Hisbiscus flower. I like their announcement when arriving, we even got the opportunity to take videos! I can see the Rain Tree from our window kitchen and laundry room.

a female Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot; taking this picture from our laundry room - Photographed by RDZ

Yellow Flame in our block - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

a female Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot in the car park - Photographed by RDZ

a Male Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot; they are a couple who build a family and has a nest on the Yellow Flame Tree in the car park where we live - Photographed by RDZ and Acik Mardhiyanti

Another amazing tree is called Yellow Flame. We can see it in our block car park as well. These trees are still flowering now and easy to caught our eyes since the flower is bright yellow. Is not only Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot that uses this tree as their nest to build a family, but the fruit also attracts the squirrel. Yes, we can see this beautiful green small parrot along with White-collared Kingfisher birds! How about the squirrel? Believe me, there are lots of squirrels in our neighborhood that we could easy to spot them. We can see this beautiful bright yellow flower from March to May and September to November! So, I would be ready to capture this moment!

White-collared Kingfisher in the car park - Photographed by RDZ

At the same time, here in my neighborhood, I can have a chance to catch autumn from other countries when Malayan Crape Myrtle Trees turn their leaves into yellow or vivid red/ red. The question is why they turn their leaves color? The regular leaves of this particular tree are green, but, when the temperature cooler which means the rainfall level is higher, those weather activities speed up the shedding process, so that we can see yellow and red/ vivid red leaves here, just like autumn.

Malayan Crape Myrtle Tree in our neighborhood - Photographed by RDZ

While Yellow Flame Tree, Rain Tree, and Malayan Crape Myrtle Tree are showing off their beauty, Trumpet Tree also gives the best moment by showing pink and white its flower. When we see it, instantly feeling like spring in another country. I captured some pictures of Trumpet Trees from our front door. The flower color is white, however, the most popular one is pink that we could find in our neighborhood. By enjoying this beauty, we can't believe that we are in Singapore. Many people call it "Sakura" in Singapore.

Crown in car park; took this picture from our laundry room - Photographed by RDZ

Sunbird visited my "garden" - Photographed RDZ & Acik Mardhiyanti

I also found the Penda tree that blooms at the same time. When it blooms, the bird would come. What kind of birds is that? They are Sunbird, Myna, or Javan Myna. I spotted one Myna and captured the pictures! No wonder that the Sunbird hasn't visited my "garden" for some time to take the nectar of Hibiscus flower because they have lots of food sources out there. That is why I hear their party in this tree along with Myna's song. 

Penda Tree and Myna; took this picture from our front door - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

That's how beautiful our environment around our block. I remember before moved to Singapore, to be honest, I was worried that we could not feel nature again because what had I know about Singapore was a busy and bustling city. But I amazed that I still feel nature, beautiful green view, and even feel "spring" and "autumn" here! Moreover, I found and spot some pretty and beautiful birds that I haven't seen before from the place I came from. So, besides spotting Sunbird, Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot, White-collared Kingfisher, we also see Crow and The common Flameback or Goldenback bird, Black-naped Oriole, and Asian Koel bird! Actually, there are many more birds in our neighborhood!

Capturing this picture of The common Flameback bird in our block from our laundry room - Photographed by RDZ

Even though we live in an HBD apartment and bustling city (people call it), we still connect with nature and find the wild creatures and live with us in a common resident. Furthermore, I can create a mini "garden" and planting Hibiscus to attract Sunbird. It is my wonderful life! 

Yellow Flame Tree in our block - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

My new article on Ichi's Fusion Recipes; Fried Selar fish: here is the link

See you in my other article, bye for now!


  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by RDZ and Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permission
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Monday, March 15, 2021

The Challenge of growing The Oxalis Plant in the Apartment


Oxalis plant in my "garden" on a rainy day - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Look at that picture above? I like the leaf's shape and color! Yes, it is my Oxalis plant or you can call it Oxalis Triangualris purple leaf.

The first time I saw the Oxalis plant maybe 8 years ago when one of my neighbors showed me the plant that she called "Butterfly" plant because of the leaf's shape. Wow, I was falling in love at first sight with this beautiful plant! I hadn't seen a plant like that before even if I planted a bunch of flowers and plants in my father's garden and yards. I didn't know the name of that plant. My neighbor was no idea what was the name either. The intriguing thing was when she said the leaves will close in the evening. So, the leaves have responded to light, opening during the day, and closing at low light (evening/ night) where the leaflets fold at the level of the central vein. What a unique plant! 

Oxalis in my "garden" - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

After moving from one place to another, about 2 years ago I bought a purple Oxalis plant at a flower shop nearby. The reason why I chose Oxalis because of the position of my corridor that I could say difficult to grow some flowers that I had always grown before such as Sunflower, Marigold, Portulaca, chili, Coleus, et cetera. Even I had lost some of the plants or flowers that I already planted before. Therefore, I needed to figure out what kind of flower or plant has possible growing in my new "garden" space. So, I tried to grow Oxalis that is said could grow in shade sun. It fits with my "garden."

Struggling from direct sunlight, but they survived! - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

However, the sun's position changes twice a year which means there is a time when direct sunlight has a chance to reach my "garden."  Growing flowers in this spot are really challenging. But I do not know the result if I haven't tried. So, I bought and grew purple Oxalis. For the first a few months when the sunlight did not reach it, the plant had been growing wonderful and healthy until someday the sunlight struck it directly. That time my Oxalis plant gradually had shown unhappiness and died.😥 

My Oxalis: some of the leaves damage because of direct sunlight, but others are still pretty - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Before coronavirus year, I bought purple Oxalis again and planted it in the same pot, and place it in the same spot. I thought it would die like before when the sunlight reaches them. Surprisingly, this time, my Oxalis plant survives even if some of the leaves damages. But it still there and produces lots of flowers than before. I have had this plant for a year now!🤗

The interesting question is what happened to my old Oxalis, why didn't survive meanwhile my new Oxalis can adapt even has many flowers? I think the first reason was that I didn't know much about the Oxalis plant. Overwatering, overfertilizing, is just one of the reasons why my old Oxalis died. Moreover, I hadn't observed much about my "new" garden space that completely different from my corridor before. The position of my corridor which is where my "garden" took a place, will determine what types of plants or flowers can grow. Furthermore, a new plant means I have to observe them whether they suit or not in my little "garden." Not only that, I need to learn about Oxalis habit, for example, dormancy. I thought only some animals will have this habit. It sounds weird but Oxalis has a dormant time where the leaves closed for some time and then reopen again. This is something new for me. My old Oxalis showed this period and I didn't know about it. As result, I kept watering every day because I was worried it would die and needed more water. And I made a mistake, I should have let it for some time and it would be fine. 

Some leaves damaged but they are still looking for the sun and face it! - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

The Oxalis that I have now is much more struggling, I assume because direct sunlight hits its leaves and damages them. Luckily, somehow this plant survive. I do not water it every day. I also do not give it fertilizer frequently like before. Last year when we were in a tight situation, I did not do any gardening activities which is I just let my plant without any maintenance, including Oxalis. 

Even though some of the leaves damage, but it has lots of flowers - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

What I have been learned is that I do not need to give organic fertilizer to my Oxalis if my pot soil has compost in it. Watering just sometimes and depends on the weather. How do I know when my Oxalis need water? I check the soil before give it water. If the soil is completely dry then it is time for watering. Sometimes once a week.  However, in the rain season, most of my plants get enough water from the rainwater, except some plants like Hibiscus; it needs water every day. However, it depends on the soil that I use for my Hibiscus.

So, technically, I put my Oxalis outdoor. I wish I have a spot indoors that perfect to grow Oxalis. However, the flat that we live in has not such a "luxury" spot to grow plants indoors. Hopefully, my Oxalis will survive until next year. 

After suffering from hot weather, my Oxalis was happy when the rain came! - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

It challenges tasks for someone who wants to create a garden in an apartment where they live. Not easy, but give up is not my personality. That's me, I am a persistent person. I can't live without growing flowers and plants. They are a part of my life. Growing Oxalis in my "garden" is challenging. But I want to try to get the experiences that will make me a better gardener someday.😊

See you in the next article. Happy gardening!🖐😉


  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission

Friday, March 12, 2021

Red Hibiscus: The forgotten Flower


Red Hibiscus in my "garden" - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Welcome to Ichi's Garden! Look at the picture above, it is a beautiful and magnificent flower, isn't it? The red color makes this flower could easy caught in our eyes. The good thing is we can use it as a small Biology project if you want to learn parts of a flower and its functions. That's what I did when I was in the third year of secondary school. However, how Hibiscus become a forgotten flower and everyone ignore it? 

I mention in my article before that Hibiscus was a common flower in the village where I lived and grew up. We could easy to find red Hibiscus on the side of the village streets, gardens, or villagers' yards. Everyone knew it and seemed nothing special about it because lots of households had this bright beauty flower that attracted butterflies. Not only butterflies, but villager's children also used to pick this red flower when they played. I could say, maybe the people in my hometown didn't realize that this flower is really beautiful and become one of the flowers that sold in the flower shop and an expensive price in another country for instance, in Singapore. The price for 1 pot of Hibiscus flower is around $8 - $ 10.

My red velvet flower aka red Hibiscus in my "garden" in rainy day - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Year by year, one by one flower and plants that common in my hometown goes to in the edge of cliff including Hibiscus along with another flower, for example, Jasmine, Periwinkle, Crepe Gardenia, Gardenia flower, Aglaonema, Caladium. I remember one of my Indonesian friends told me that the Jasmine flower that growing in my "garden" was priceless and rare. I just wondered how does it happen because as far as I know, the Jasmine flower was a familiar flower in villager yards. Even my father grew 2 kinds of varieties in his garden, single petals, and double petals.

It started in 2000an when many of the new generations didn't care anymore about their flowers or plants that had been growing in their yards and garden. Meanwhile, their parent grew old year by year and fallen sick. Many of them cleaned up the garden and their yards just because they didn't want to take care of the plants. I asked one of them, "Why you chop all those fruit trees and all the beautiful flower plants that had been there for so many years?" Here is how she answered my question, " I do not want to rake the leaves that are an annoying thing." I was speechless!🙄 Why I speechless? Because when I lived in my father's house, I did rake all the leaves in my father's big yards every day. Moreover, on Sunday I helped my father to take care of flowers and plants. I would pull the weed as well. 

Red Hibiscus in my little "garden" - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Nowadays, I have seen many people in my hometown admire expensive plants that they think it is more have prestigious or could show their status in the community. One of those people is my classmates. They say it is their new hobby to collect plants that they call expensive. When I look at the plants that they claim priceless, I do not have any surprise. Why? Because it is some plants that actually exist in the past where many households in the village had planted in their yards or garden. The question is why these plants costly? I am sure you know the answer. First, they did not care about flowers and plants; second, as a result, many common plants and flowers in the village become rare every year; third, nowadays, they completely forgot their root and just following the wave where some people sells flower and plant that they claim as unique or inimitable plants. What I can say, some people took advantage of a business to promote flowers and plants that actually it was there in the same place many years ago before finally becoming a rare plant. 

What happens when people take gardening as a hobby? After those plants or flowers do not have any prestige or the price in the market falls down which means the price becomes cheap or no value on it,  they abandon those plants or flowers. I have seen these events repeat again, again. Moreover, they get bored because, in deep their heart, they buy that expensive plants or flowers for status in the community. Furthermore, taking care of the plants or flowers is just part of making the plants look good when their friends come to see them. 

My pretty red Hibiscus in the morning - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

In my view, people who love nature, basically, love flowers and plants without thinking about the status or prestige in it. They grow those plants because they want to. Me, for example, I grow flowers because I want to grow them and see the flower when it blooms. Moreover, it is a good thing if I can planting flowers that can feed butterflies and birds. That's it, Yes, just simple like that.😊

Back to the topic, why Hibiscus flower become a forgotten flower in the place where I lived. The answer is the same as many flowers or plants that I talk about. Hibiscus flower does not have any value in it which means there is no prestige or guarantee that will make someone getting high status in the community. If this happens continuously, someday Hibiscus will extinct for sure. Furthermore, when it happens, the environment has also gone where no more butterflies and nectar-eating birds around. 

When I was thinking about why it does happen, I just can see it because most of the children in my village did not get to school which means they grow and become uneducated adults. Many of them drop off from elementary school or secondary school. Some of them because they think school is not important and rely on their parent's money. Some of them simply did not have money to continue their study or lived in poverty. When children do not go to school and study, they do not know how fun to study floral in class and knowing it as knowledge. Like I said in the first paragraph, I picked Hibiscus flower to study the Biology in-class experiment. I was just excited to study parts of flowers. That's how I grow my respect for nature.

Start the day with my red bright Hibiscus - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Growing Hibiscus as a part of my "garden" plants is not only to remind of good memories about my hometown but also to create harmony with living around for example Sunbird that has always stopped by to feed themself. Another reason is to enjoy the beauty of this red velvet flower. Furthermore, I give my respect to nature that I have believed if we care the Mother nature, it will bring luck for us. Like my neighbor said, "if we grow flower or plant then bird come that means a good thing will come to us."

I think every flower has its own story. For me, like another flower, res Hibiscus also has its story that I could share with all of you. The bottom line about this story is that we have to respect the environment around us. Doing a small thing such as planting just some flowers or plants, that will make better harmony between us and small creature for instance butterflies and birds. Moreover, it is not that bad to planting some kind of flower that call "cheaper" and "kampoeng" ("kampoeng" means village) because every flower has its own beauty.

Read my another article on Ichi's Fusion Recipe, link here


  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission


Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Habrantus Robustus; the toughest plant both in hot and rain seasons


Habranthus Robustus or pink Rain Lily in my "garden" - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

By looking at the picture above, it is a cute flower, isn't it? 😍 That my pink Rain Lily in my little "garden" that has been there for about a year! I am proud of this plant because it is one of the tough plants that could adapt perfectly in both hot and heavy rain seasons. 

In January 2020, we went to the Garden by The Bay to see flowers and plants. Garden By The Bay is my favorite place to go at least once a year whether during the Christmas holiday, or in the middle of the year where a particular flower shows off such as Sakura, Tulip, Dahlia, et cetera. I wish my father still around; I bet he would very happy visiting this awesome garden where we can find any kind of flower from around the world especially the flower where his grandfather came from, and it is Tulip Flower!

I bought one small bulb of Habranthus Robustus when we visited Garden By The Bay in January last year. It was just before Covid-19 confirmed for the first time in Singapore. The price is about $ 5, and I think is not bad when I can see the result now after planting them. I am satisfied and happy because it grows well and produces flowers very often.

Pink Rain Lily bud - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

The high of this plant approximately 30-40 cm with tin linear foliage and yellow anthers. Like I mentioned the flower color is pink with soft five petals. So, sometimes I say it is starflower because it identical to a star shape. After observing for sometimes I knew that the flower has always faced the sun that indicated this flower-like direct sunlight. So, the best spot to place this plant is to put it where the sun could reach them directly.

The interesting question is that true this plant will emerge by following rain? That's the question from one of my Japanese friends who also love flowers and do volunteer at one of the Botanic Gardens. March is the month when we can feel hot weather in Singapore. However, my pretty pink flower flowered at the time. It was for the first time my Rain lily had flowers in March 2020 after planting it in January 2020. And I realized it needed more space to grow then I decided to move it to another flowerpot that has enough space for this cute flower and using potting soil that rich in compost. After a few months, this plant develops more new bulbs that means will produce flowers for each one of them. I can't remember how many times my Rain Lily blooms until today, but it often shows off their pretty pink flower maybe once a month or flower once in two months. So, I can not answer my friend's question. I think when the flower emerges it depends on the environment where we plant it. For example, in Singapore, I can not say it will have a flower when the rain season comes, basically, the rain season starts in November, December & January we experience heavy rain, and in February the rain comes less and less. However, It just my assumption based on my experiences growing Habranthus Robustus from a bulb in little space in Singapore. So it is the reason why I call this flowering plant is one of the toughest plants both in hot and rainy seasons because they can adapt to these environments quickly. And I do believe, people out there have different experiences.😊

During the rain season, I do not need to give water to my Rain lily. Meanwhile, in the hot season, twice a week is enough for watering this plant. Is that Ok only twice a week? Yes! But it depends on what kind of potting soil we use. Me, for example, I have always given the best potting soil for my plants or flowers that I grow in a pot for instance potting soil rich in compost. This soil is not easy being dry during the hot day, it can keep moist surround and save some water. Moreover, I do not think that my pink Rain Lily needs water every day; I bet the bulb will rotten if overwatering.🙄

That's my experience for the past year have growing Habrabthus Robustus. What about you, are you growing flowers and plants? Happy gardening! Save the world by doing small things like gardening!😉

Read my recipe on how to make fried Hokkien noodle more intriguing, link here

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
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Monday, March 8, 2021

The Beauty of Dwarf Hibiscus Flower


Dwarf Hibiscus Flower in my "garden" - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Who's loves this tropical flower? Talking about Hibiscus, it is identic with the tropical island as well. I agree this flower has a different magnet that could bring us to a shiny place where we could enjoy a day by relaxing on the beach! And in this article, I am going to talk about the beauty of dwarf Hibiscus!

Generally, the Hibiscus flower has big open petals that big as our palm. I used to see red color in my hometown but sometimes I could find a white one. Basically, it was single petals, however, there are double petals in different varieties. Two things that I could picture about Hibiscus are ease to grow and low maintenance. It should have become popular for those reasons, but it was not. People in my village did not take this flower as their favorite one in the garden. Why? Because Hibiscus was just a common flower in the villager's eyes.

Moving to Singapore many years ago make me want to create a "garden" by collecting some flowers that I used to see in my father's garden or yards such as Jasmine flower, Portulaca, et cetera. By growing those flowers, I can memories the old time when my father was around. Furthermore, Jasmine flower was my grandma's favorite when she told on how I should give respect to my ancestor by picking some stem of Jasmine that had some buds and put it into a glass with water. However, even though my father grew so many flowers and plants but he did not plant Hibiscus.

Dwarf Hibiscus in my "garden"; the flower is not big as you think - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

I loved Biology. Every time when we were studying Biology subject in the class I had always been excited, especially when talking about floral. I remember when I was in my third year in Secondary school, our Biology teacher told us to collect some flowers and did some small research in the class. One of those flowers was Hibiscus. We studied every part of this flower, for instance, pollen, flower pistil, petals, et cetera. It was a fun day!   

I chose Hibiscus as a part of my "garden" plant because it is common in my hometown. By planting them I can feel the scent of my hometown. The funny thing is when my Indonesian friend has always said, "why I grow flower that has no value or cheaper flowers?" In their eyes, Hibiscus, Jasmine, Portulaca, Periwinkle, are just "kampoeng" flowers. "Kampoeng" means village, it means that those flowers do not have status or prestige. When planting flowers and plants, I do not concern about the status, I do gardening because I love nature and the beauty of its flowers. That's what I feel growing Hibiscus.

Maybe 2 years ago I have tried to grow Hibiscus by buying Orange and yellow ones. Unfortunately, I throw the yellow one because it had a bad condition last year. Moreover, we are in crisis because of the Coronavirus virus. I did not do gardening last year because our "garden" is in the corridor. I avoided contact with my neighbor to protect our community. Last year was the toughest year in Singapore, we were 2-month semi-lockdown. However, nowadays, we are in good shape which means Singapore has succeeded in stopping the spread of the Coronavirus and become one of the safer countries during a pandemic. 

My Dwarf Hibiscus - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

The one left is Orange Hibiscus in my "garden." It was several times the flower blooms and attracts Sunbird to stopping by before I trimmed it. It looks like it won't have flowered for a while because a new stem hasn't come yet. But I bought another Hibiscus, there are red and tiny yellow Hibiscus. The red one is normal size Hibiscus, meanwhile, the yellow one is tiny Hibiscus that I call Dwarf because the flower is cute and pretty!

I haven't seen before about tiny Hibiscus. So, this is the first time I am trying to grow this variety. It seems different from the normal size that has always been love sunshine. I am still observing this cutie and learn about it. My feeling is that this Hibiscus doesn't like direct hot sunlight, I am not sure. It still needs time for me to understand this flower habit. Unlike the normal size Hibiscus, the more gain bright sunlight they will actively produce flowers because generally, Hibiscus flower withstands hot weather. Therefore, they need water every day.

Dwarf Hibiscus buds - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Dwarf Hibiscus has its own magnet that not only could attract Sunbird but also my eyes. I have always been feeling happy when I see flowers in my "garden."  By looking at this bright flower, I find peace for a while or just take me break and get their pictures.  That's why I have always said that gardening is not a hobby. For me, it is one of my way to make me smile! 

I think the Hibiscus flower is one of the best choices to create a "garden" in a hot weather place. I know, the best place to grow it is in the ground, however is not that bad for planting them in a pot. Giving them organic fertilizer, trimming them by cutting some stems, and watering them every day, I think is enough to maintain this Hibiscus. 

Thank you for reading my article. The next article could be Rain Lily! Take care and bye for now!🖐😉

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permission
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Thursday, March 4, 2021

Dianthus Flower: Easy to Grow and Low Maintenance


Dianthus flower in my "garden" - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Hi, welcome back to Ichi's Garden! It looks that I have time to write this article. To be honest, I wish I could write my gardening activities more often. However, I am only a person who has multitasking work at home and does not have leisure time. Anyway, Dianthus in the picture above is cute, isn't it? Tiny beauty flower that I call to picture it. 😍

I do not remember when I bought this plant in the flower and plant shop nearby our block. Yes, my favorite shop that has always interested me is the flower and plant shop. So, if your favorite shop is a cakes shop or boutique, personally, I am keen on a floral shop instead. 😊 

Before coronavirus year, I have had this Dianthus flower in my garden. So, technically, maybe it has been in my "garden" for about 2 years. One thing that I remember about it because my neighbor gave me some flower pots. She bought 5 flower pots only for me! For some or many people who live in Singapore, most of them complain because of unfriendly neighbors or they do not want to know us. Unfortunately, it does not happen to me since the first year after we moved. My experiences live are amazing and incredible! Back to the topic, after receiving these flower pots, a few days later I bought a Dianthus flower plant and Oxalis plant and removed them to the new pot.

Dianthus flower in my "garden" - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Unlike this day, the first time my Dianthus flower only occupied 1/3 of its pot. Nowadays, they grow and cover the surface which means we can not see the soil anymore. I bet if I planted them in the ground they would grow like crazy and become flower beds, I wish to live in a house that has yards today.🙄 One of my goals, someday having a large garden and yards! Yeah, I want to have horses and learn archery, what a crazy dream.😁 Well, talking about the crazy dream I remember that I used to get this title "crazy girl" from my relatives and people from my village because I have always had a big dream in my life, without it I would stay in the same place and have never stepped up to the higher mountain.

Growing this cutie is easy and low maintenance as well. I use flower pot soil that also has compost in it. I haven't changed the soil until today. I am not giving it fertilizer regularly either. So, I could say it a piece of cake to grow this pinky flower. Moreover, I do not water it every day, twice a week or three times a week is enough. Too much water will make this plant upset. But, I think how many times we give water depends on where we live and the weather.

Dianthus flower in my "garden" - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

I put my Dianthus flower in the open place where the sunlight reaches it. The intriguing thing is since the first time join in my "garden", it has been flowering the whole year! Can you believe it? You can see the brown seed pods in the picture, which indicates that we have some flowers. I can see the beauty of this tiny flower every day and feel happy.

I am lucky by choosing this plant as a part of my "garden." It is suitable for the environment where I live. Creating a "garden" in an apartment is not easy yet it would become a good activity and a new challenge, right? 

I wish I can find this kind of this Dianthus plant easily in the flower and plant shop. Sadly, Until today, the shop where I bought this pink Dianthus plant does not have it. I want to buy a red one if they are available.

Do you want to create a mini botanic garden in the apartment? Then this Dianthus flower is a wise choice because easy to grow and low maintenance! If you stay in an apartment, now it is time to make your balcony life and an intriguing appearance. We can use a small space to grow some plants, flowers, and herbs as well. Happy gardening!

Thank you for reading my article, next article could be small hibiscus! see you and bye for now! 🖐🙂


  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permission
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Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Growing The Betel Leaf Plant for Tonsillitis Treatment and Get Another Benefit


Betel Leaves and Lemon Basil from my "garden" - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Who does know about the Betel leaf plant? For someone who born and grow up in Indonesia, they are familiar with this particular plant, including me. What exactly this plant and does it give benefits to our body?  

I know, by googling we can see there are lots of articles or even study about Betel leaf plant. However, I had experiences that I would like to share here. Based on a true event that I encountered many years ago when I had to face an uncomfortable health issue. What happened to me back then and how I ended up taking Betel Leaf for solving my poor health and what another benefit by growing the Betel Leaf plant in the garden?

It was one of my grandmothers who had interested in natural medicine and eating something from her own garden. She passioned to eat any kind of leaves and herb that had been believed good for health. No wonder she would eat young guava leaves, young mango leaves, sweet potato leaves, herbs, and also chewing betel leaves. Every day she arranged 1 betel leaf and some other ingredients and ground them by using some kind of tool. Chewing and then split them out, again and again. It was good for healthy teeth, she said. I think this tradition exists since ancient times. She was one of the old ladies who carried this tradition and reached long life; if I am not wrong she died at 110 years old (or even more because she did not remember what year she was born). My father passed away even before 50, she surpassed 100 years! What an incredible and toughest person in the world. One of her favorites ingredients was sweet potato leaves that had believed for long life. She didn't have any serious health issues such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or any chronic illness for example heart disease or cancer. But as she grew older, gradually she lost her sight, and couldn't walk properly. She stopped traveling at (I think) 80 years old. I admire her a lot and become one of my role models.

My first year at secondary school was the worst year when I was diagnosed had tonsillitis. I often got some symptoms for instance a fever, headache, and severe in my throat. The worst part was I couldn't swallow my food and drink. A few times visited a local doctor that cost more money which meant a big issue for my father who just lost his decent job. My father earned $ 4 a month and my medicine had cost almost all my father's monthly wage. This was bad news for my family.

In the middle of bad situations, one of my relatives asked me to make herbal medicine. The ingredient was turmeric, lemon or lime, and honey. I drank it every day for a year. However, honey was too expensive to buy that my father couldn't afford it. As a result, my grandmother gave advice that I had to drink a glass of betel leaf water every day. Boiling water with some Betel leaves was my routine. And an effective or faster way just to put 1 Betel leaf in a glass then pour hot water, drinking it after a few minutes when the water cooling down. I did this for about 3 years or more and I called it the darkness year because you can imagine how the taste, but I proud of it that I could endure the worst day! 🙃😊 Not only that, I had to avoid fried food as much as possible, cool drinks & ice, MSG, and salt with high sodium (basically, in the village was common salt). However, I could not avoid MSG and this standard salt because my father's partner was still using those 2 ingredients when she cooked even though she knew how bad my condition. 

After years of taking Batel leaf as my natural medicine, I didn't visit the clinic because of my tonsillitis. Whereas some of the children ended up on the surgery table. Yes, there are some or many children who lived around my neighborhood got the same health issue as mine. I think because of the unpleasant taste of Betel leaf, they avoided this natural remedy. I was afraid of needles, so I didn't want to face surgery. Moreover, my father hadn't enough money to pay the hospital. That's why I had to embrace drinking Betel leaf water. Even my father supported me by growing Betel leaf at his back yards. I remember the Betel leaf plant that grew at the back yards was very healthy with shiny leaves all around. 

I stopped drinking Betel leaf water when I went to study for my Bachelor's degree. But still, for a year studying at a university, I avoided fried foods for example veggie fritters, MSG, cool drinks, and ice. I was a lucky person because I found a food stall that concerned about healthiness. This food stall didn't use any kind of MSG on the foods they sold and cooked just enough salty. Well, as you know, most Indonesian love MSG, sugar, and salty foods (or I could say too salty and too sweet for me). Therefore, I bought my lunch and dinner at this healthy stall every day. The first moment I tried a cool drink was ice tea. I was scared but I had to prove to myself that my hard work to heal from tonsillitis is worth it. After a few minutes drank ice tea, there was nothing happened until the next day. Drinking cool drinks and ate veggie fritters was my next move and I didn't have any symptoms of tonsillitis. That day I felt grateful and happy because I am free to eat fried foods, cool drinks, and ice!🙂 Nowadays, I sometimes got a sore throat, but it common sore throat, not tonsillitis. Now, my body reacts fast with MSG, so if you give me food even though you say that your food does not contain MSG, my body will analyze it. In just a few minutes I will feel itchy in my throat then start coughing. If I still continue to eat food that contains MSG I will get a sore throat. That's why I love cooking my own food at home because buying foods from outside will cause me troubles; spicy foods cause me diarrhea; foods that contain coconut milk make my stomach sad; I will instantly throw up when eating meat, an improper cook can lead stomach issues for me as well.🤷‍♀️ 

Tonsillitis is tonsil inflammation that has some symptoms such as fever, enlargement of the tonsils, trouble swallowing, and in the past, I had a severe headache as well. If the onset comes often it will end up surgery. If we read many studies, the cause of tonsillitis is a bacterial infection or it could be viruses. However, I think MSG and too much sodium could affect the inflammation of the tonsils. I agree that children need sodium but do not give them more than they need. Meanwhile, MSG has a bad effect on our body, and definitely avoid this ingredient for sure.👍 Since many years ago when I went studying at a university, I have not ever picked MSG as my ingredient food. Moreover, I have never put sugar in my cooking recipes and I do not buy sugar either. If you see my pantry cupboard, you can't find those ingredients on it. Not only that, for the past few years I have chosen low sodium salt.

Growing Betel leaf plant in your garden is a wise choice. We can use it for some purposes because of carotene, vitamin C, niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, and also calcium source. Not only for tonsillitis treatment but also for a daily intimate wash for women. Picking some Betel leaves and boil with water. When it cools down enough it can be applied for this particular purpose. If you read my article on Ichi's Fusion Recipes, I wrote on how to make homemade herbal tea and one of the benefits is the treatment for yeast infection. Drinking this particular homemade herbal tea, at the same time using Betel leaf water for a daily intimate wash for the yeast infection treatment. After the yeast infection gone, we, as women we can still continue drinking this kind of herbal tea and using Betel leaf water as a daily intimate wash. If you do search on google you can see that there are other good things about the Betel leaf plant that it helps reduce sugar level which is good for diabetic person, and healing wounds.

In my experiences of treating tonsillitis, it took sometimes or a long run. We need to be patient and drink it daily for the best result. We can not expect that in just a week or months to see the result. Even though there is no research haven't conducted to study it but at least I prove to myself not others. I drank Betel leaf water for about 3 years and it healed me. 3 years ago one of my classmates in High school told me that her son has Tonsillitis. I advise her to give her son Betel leaf water every day. Drinking routine and it will go away. However, she didn't take my advice and I do not know what happens. I bet it will end up in the surgery room if the condition gets worst. Yes, some people don't believe and doubts natural medicine or remedy for some or many reasons or just simply underestimate herbal remedies. Me, personally, I should be grateful because my family went through hard life so that I can respect nature, and believe in natural medicine.

I have had Betel leaf plant for about 5 years. I was happy when I saw the Betel leaf plant sold at the flower&plant shop. Since then, this plant has become a part of my "garden" plants. Surprisingly, I have 4 pots of Betel leaf now. Giving them organic fertilizer for example chicken fertilizer it will make produce more leaves. Of course, like other plants, facing sunlight is the way to place it. However, my Betel leaf plants do not grow as well as in the ground. I hope I have yards someday so that I can harvest them every day!

I think it easy to grow Betel leaf at home even though we do not have yards. Moreover, it gives an alternative to treat tonsillitis and other benefits. Many years ago, the clinic head chief in my hometown asked me if the water of Betel leaf could heal tonsillitis because he knew that I drank it for about 3 years. "Yes, I completely heal and free to eat fried foods, chips, cool drinks, and ice" that what I said. He said, "that's good news and inspired others. I can recommend my patients who have suffered from tonsillitis."  I have always said that gardening is not a hobby. In my view, gardening is one of the ways how we respect nature, and who knows it will give us natural remedies and another benefit. Happy gardening!👊

Thank you for reading my article, and bye for now! 🖐🙂

Read my article on another blog, Ichi's Fusion Recipe; Red and Brown Multipurpose Fresh Handmade Seasoning and Condiment; link here


  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse this photograph anywhere else without permission