Monday, March 29, 2021

"Spring" & "Autumn" in Singapore


Yellow Flame in our block car park - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Are you kidding me, spring and autumn in Singapore? Indeed, living in Singapore we only experience a hot day, sweaty a lot, and only have sort of rainy day. To feel spring and autumn, it virtually impossible. However,  we can see "spring" and "autumn" around our neighborhood when the time comes every year.😊

White Trumpet Tree - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

a Male Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot; took this picture and videos from our laundry room - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti and RDZ

For quite some time, we realized our environment around us, observe it, we found something amazing and wonderful that we hadn't imagined before. What is it? Feeling like spring and autumn but still on a hot day, humid, and lots of sweaty. It sounds weird, but when we see the trees around us bloom, some others change their leaves color turn into vivid red and yellow, many beautiful birds fly around, suddenly we can smile and feel peace in our heart. Maybe because I love nature, however, I think lots of people here feel the same. Moreover, we are very, very happy!

"Autumn" in Singapore - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Capturing the moon from our laundry room - Photographed by RDZ

I think the Rain Tree bloomed in early March when I saw many sunbirds flew around that trees in our car park in our residential. The flower color is pink-white that could cover all its big umbrella-shaped crown. This tree is beautiful in my eyes because every time I see it, I just like saw a painting. In the morning, Sunbirds had a big party at this tree, while others stopped by in my "garden" to take nectar in my Hisbiscus flower. I like their announcement when arriving, we even got the opportunity to take videos! I can see the Rain Tree from our window kitchen and laundry room.

a female Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot; taking this picture from our laundry room - Photographed by RDZ

Yellow Flame in our block - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

a female Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot in the car park - Photographed by RDZ

a Male Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot; they are a couple who build a family and has a nest on the Yellow Flame Tree in the car park where we live - Photographed by RDZ and Acik Mardhiyanti

Another amazing tree is called Yellow Flame. We can see it in our block car park as well. These trees are still flowering now and easy to caught our eyes since the flower is bright yellow. Is not only Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot that uses this tree as their nest to build a family, but the fruit also attracts the squirrel. Yes, we can see this beautiful green small parrot along with White-collared Kingfisher birds! How about the squirrel? Believe me, there are lots of squirrels in our neighborhood that we could easy to spot them. We can see this beautiful bright yellow flower from March to May and September to November! So, I would be ready to capture this moment!

White-collared Kingfisher in the car park - Photographed by RDZ

At the same time, here in my neighborhood, I can have a chance to catch autumn from other countries when Malayan Crape Myrtle Trees turn their leaves into yellow or vivid red/ red. The question is why they turn their leaves color? The regular leaves of this particular tree are green, but, when the temperature cooler which means the rainfall level is higher, those weather activities speed up the shedding process, so that we can see yellow and red/ vivid red leaves here, just like autumn.

Malayan Crape Myrtle Tree in our neighborhood - Photographed by RDZ

While Yellow Flame Tree, Rain Tree, and Malayan Crape Myrtle Tree are showing off their beauty, Trumpet Tree also gives the best moment by showing pink and white its flower. When we see it, instantly feeling like spring in another country. I captured some pictures of Trumpet Trees from our front door. The flower color is white, however, the most popular one is pink that we could find in our neighborhood. By enjoying this beauty, we can't believe that we are in Singapore. Many people call it "Sakura" in Singapore.

Crown in car park; took this picture from our laundry room - Photographed by RDZ

Sunbird visited my "garden" - Photographed RDZ & Acik Mardhiyanti

I also found the Penda tree that blooms at the same time. When it blooms, the bird would come. What kind of birds is that? They are Sunbird, Myna, or Javan Myna. I spotted one Myna and captured the pictures! No wonder that the Sunbird hasn't visited my "garden" for some time to take the nectar of Hibiscus flower because they have lots of food sources out there. That is why I hear their party in this tree along with Myna's song. 

Penda Tree and Myna; took this picture from our front door - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

That's how beautiful our environment around our block. I remember before moved to Singapore, to be honest, I was worried that we could not feel nature again because what had I know about Singapore was a busy and bustling city. But I amazed that I still feel nature, beautiful green view, and even feel "spring" and "autumn" here! Moreover, I found and spot some pretty and beautiful birds that I haven't seen before from the place I came from. So, besides spotting Sunbird, Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot, White-collared Kingfisher, we also see Crow and The common Flameback or Goldenback bird, Black-naped Oriole, and Asian Koel bird! Actually, there are many more birds in our neighborhood!

Capturing this picture of The common Flameback bird in our block from our laundry room - Photographed by RDZ

Even though we live in an HBD apartment and bustling city (people call it), we still connect with nature and find the wild creatures and live with us in a common resident. Furthermore, I can create a mini "garden" and planting Hibiscus to attract Sunbird. It is my wonderful life! 

Yellow Flame Tree in our block - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

My new article on Ichi's Fusion Recipes; Fried Selar fish: here is the link

See you in my other article, bye for now!


  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by RDZ and Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission


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