Thursday, March 4, 2021

Dianthus Flower: Easy to Grow and Low Maintenance


Dianthus flower in my "garden" - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Hi, welcome back to Ichi's Garden! It looks that I have time to write this article. To be honest, I wish I could write my gardening activities more often. However, I am only a person who has multitasking work at home and does not have leisure time. Anyway, Dianthus in the picture above is cute, isn't it? Tiny beauty flower that I call to picture it. 😍

I do not remember when I bought this plant in the flower and plant shop nearby our block. Yes, my favorite shop that has always interested me is the flower and plant shop. So, if your favorite shop is a cakes shop or boutique, personally, I am keen on a floral shop instead. 😊 

Before coronavirus year, I have had this Dianthus flower in my garden. So, technically, maybe it has been in my "garden" for about 2 years. One thing that I remember about it because my neighbor gave me some flower pots. She bought 5 flower pots only for me! For some or many people who live in Singapore, most of them complain because of unfriendly neighbors or they do not want to know us. Unfortunately, it does not happen to me since the first year after we moved. My experiences live are amazing and incredible! Back to the topic, after receiving these flower pots, a few days later I bought a Dianthus flower plant and Oxalis plant and removed them to the new pot.

Dianthus flower in my "garden" - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Unlike this day, the first time my Dianthus flower only occupied 1/3 of its pot. Nowadays, they grow and cover the surface which means we can not see the soil anymore. I bet if I planted them in the ground they would grow like crazy and become flower beds, I wish to live in a house that has yards today.🙄 One of my goals, someday having a large garden and yards! Yeah, I want to have horses and learn archery, what a crazy dream.😁 Well, talking about the crazy dream I remember that I used to get this title "crazy girl" from my relatives and people from my village because I have always had a big dream in my life, without it I would stay in the same place and have never stepped up to the higher mountain.

Growing this cutie is easy and low maintenance as well. I use flower pot soil that also has compost in it. I haven't changed the soil until today. I am not giving it fertilizer regularly either. So, I could say it a piece of cake to grow this pinky flower. Moreover, I do not water it every day, twice a week or three times a week is enough. Too much water will make this plant upset. But, I think how many times we give water depends on where we live and the weather.

Dianthus flower in my "garden" - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

I put my Dianthus flower in the open place where the sunlight reaches it. The intriguing thing is since the first time join in my "garden", it has been flowering the whole year! Can you believe it? You can see the brown seed pods in the picture, which indicates that we have some flowers. I can see the beauty of this tiny flower every day and feel happy.

I am lucky by choosing this plant as a part of my "garden." It is suitable for the environment where I live. Creating a "garden" in an apartment is not easy yet it would become a good activity and a new challenge, right? 

I wish I can find this kind of this Dianthus plant easily in the flower and plant shop. Sadly, Until today, the shop where I bought this pink Dianthus plant does not have it. I want to buy a red one if they are available.

Do you want to create a mini botanic garden in the apartment? Then this Dianthus flower is a wise choice because easy to grow and low maintenance! If you stay in an apartment, now it is time to make your balcony life and an intriguing appearance. We can use a small space to grow some plants, flowers, and herbs as well. Happy gardening!

Thank you for reading my article, next article could be small hibiscus! see you and bye for now! 🖐🙂


  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission


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