Monday, March 15, 2021

The Challenge of growing The Oxalis Plant in the Apartment


Oxalis plant in my "garden" on a rainy day - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Look at that picture above? I like the leaf's shape and color! Yes, it is my Oxalis plant or you can call it Oxalis Triangualris purple leaf.

The first time I saw the Oxalis plant maybe 8 years ago when one of my neighbors showed me the plant that she called "Butterfly" plant because of the leaf's shape. Wow, I was falling in love at first sight with this beautiful plant! I hadn't seen a plant like that before even if I planted a bunch of flowers and plants in my father's garden and yards. I didn't know the name of that plant. My neighbor was no idea what was the name either. The intriguing thing was when she said the leaves will close in the evening. So, the leaves have responded to light, opening during the day, and closing at low light (evening/ night) where the leaflets fold at the level of the central vein. What a unique plant! 

Oxalis in my "garden" - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

After moving from one place to another, about 2 years ago I bought a purple Oxalis plant at a flower shop nearby. The reason why I chose Oxalis because of the position of my corridor that I could say difficult to grow some flowers that I had always grown before such as Sunflower, Marigold, Portulaca, chili, Coleus, et cetera. Even I had lost some of the plants or flowers that I already planted before. Therefore, I needed to figure out what kind of flower or plant has possible growing in my new "garden" space. So, I tried to grow Oxalis that is said could grow in shade sun. It fits with my "garden."

Struggling from direct sunlight, but they survived! - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

However, the sun's position changes twice a year which means there is a time when direct sunlight has a chance to reach my "garden."  Growing flowers in this spot are really challenging. But I do not know the result if I haven't tried. So, I bought and grew purple Oxalis. For the first a few months when the sunlight did not reach it, the plant had been growing wonderful and healthy until someday the sunlight struck it directly. That time my Oxalis plant gradually had shown unhappiness and died.😥 

My Oxalis: some of the leaves damage because of direct sunlight, but others are still pretty - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Before coronavirus year, I bought purple Oxalis again and planted it in the same pot, and place it in the same spot. I thought it would die like before when the sunlight reaches them. Surprisingly, this time, my Oxalis plant survives even if some of the leaves damages. But it still there and produces lots of flowers than before. I have had this plant for a year now!🤗

The interesting question is what happened to my old Oxalis, why didn't survive meanwhile my new Oxalis can adapt even has many flowers? I think the first reason was that I didn't know much about the Oxalis plant. Overwatering, overfertilizing, is just one of the reasons why my old Oxalis died. Moreover, I hadn't observed much about my "new" garden space that completely different from my corridor before. The position of my corridor which is where my "garden" took a place, will determine what types of plants or flowers can grow. Furthermore, a new plant means I have to observe them whether they suit or not in my little "garden." Not only that, I need to learn about Oxalis habit, for example, dormancy. I thought only some animals will have this habit. It sounds weird but Oxalis has a dormant time where the leaves closed for some time and then reopen again. This is something new for me. My old Oxalis showed this period and I didn't know about it. As result, I kept watering every day because I was worried it would die and needed more water. And I made a mistake, I should have let it for some time and it would be fine. 

Some leaves damaged but they are still looking for the sun and face it! - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

The Oxalis that I have now is much more struggling, I assume because direct sunlight hits its leaves and damages them. Luckily, somehow this plant survive. I do not water it every day. I also do not give it fertilizer frequently like before. Last year when we were in a tight situation, I did not do any gardening activities which is I just let my plant without any maintenance, including Oxalis. 

Even though some of the leaves damage, but it has lots of flowers - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

What I have been learned is that I do not need to give organic fertilizer to my Oxalis if my pot soil has compost in it. Watering just sometimes and depends on the weather. How do I know when my Oxalis need water? I check the soil before give it water. If the soil is completely dry then it is time for watering. Sometimes once a week.  However, in the rain season, most of my plants get enough water from the rainwater, except some plants like Hibiscus; it needs water every day. However, it depends on the soil that I use for my Hibiscus.

So, technically, I put my Oxalis outdoor. I wish I have a spot indoors that perfect to grow Oxalis. However, the flat that we live in has not such a "luxury" spot to grow plants indoors. Hopefully, my Oxalis will survive until next year. 

After suffering from hot weather, my Oxalis was happy when the rain came! - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

It challenges tasks for someone who wants to create a garden in an apartment where they live. Not easy, but give up is not my personality. That's me, I am a persistent person. I can't live without growing flowers and plants. They are a part of my life. Growing Oxalis in my "garden" is challenging. But I want to try to get the experiences that will make me a better gardener someday.😊

See you in the next article. Happy gardening!🖐😉


  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission

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